2019 Crescent Beach Concours
2019 Crescent Beach Concours, Surrey BC
Report and photos by Cam Hutchins
I was lucky enough to get to the site early and get shots of the cars as they drove onto the field. The cars staged in the parking lot and the first car in line was longtime friend Spike Contini in his stellar red 1961 Impala Convertible. Of course his battery decided that was the time to die, but Brad Pelling lives close by and had a jumper pack to get Spike going. Brad’s company, Pelling Insurance, was one of the main sponsors of the events and it is sort if in his front yard on a little triangle of land right on the water called Blackie’s Spit.
The wild car in any outdoor car show is the weather and this show had dark skies looming overhead and a short period of rain. Luckily it stopped and the sun came out before the spectators showed up. Admission was charged and proceeds went to the BC Children's Hospital Foundation. This event is a (ICJAG) International Chief Judges Advisory Group Concours d'Elegance that is sanctioned by the (NAACC) National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Corporation. Almost all the judges are members of NAACC Member clubs.